
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Part Time

Last night I went to see the new Indiana Jones movie for the second time, in order to stabilize my opinion about it without any pressure, excitement, nervousness, anticipation and huge expectations as they were on the first viewing.
The final conclusion is as following: it's good, but not Indiana Jones good and very close to being a disappointment. The movie is still pure fun and shows all the wannabes (National Treasure, Tomb Raider, The Mummy) how adventure movies should be made. If this is what came out after 15 years of preparations, I don't want another Indie movie to be made ever again.
Obviously, George Lucas is the man to blame for all the flaws of the movie. Nobody can ruin movie franchises like this guy. Ridiculous features like a refrigerator that survives a nuclear explosion, CGI hamsters, monkeys that attack the bad guys and Tarzan greaser make the movie look like a joke. Good thing there's Steven Spielberg to patch things up with witty one-liners and great actions scenes.
Since the last Indiana Jones movie 15 years ago, Harrison Ford became a very gloomy and grumpy actor and made some very bad role choices. Here he is young and happy once again and his Indy still kicks ass. He is joined by the rising meteor Shia LaBeouf as his perfect sidekick that might take over the series in the future (George, don't do it!!!). But the biggest star of the movie (and the best working actress in Hollywood right now) is Cate Blanchett as the devilish Russian Colonel Dr. Irina Spalko that wants all the treasures for herself and never blinks with those big beautiful blue eyes.